Life in the city: United we stand
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Dear city dweller,

These extraordinary times affect our personal and professional lives and we hope you and your loved ones are in good health and spirit.

More than ever we realize health - both physically and mentally - is our first priority.

How did your life change? A lot of fellow city dwellers are now working from home, alone or together with their partner and/or their children. Empty streets create crowded homes. A new routine has to be worked out. From social distancing outside to closeness at home. The city is silent. Fewer planes, trains and cars. More room for reflection on our life as it is now and beyond these challenging times.


In the cities where you are still allowed to walk on the streets - at a socially accepted distance from one another - many of us walk an extra mile to stay in shape and sharpen our minds. The streets we used to walk around daily suddenly unveil stunning details of the great architecture. An unexpected opportunity to enjoy those sculptures of brick, glass and steel that exemplify the essence of the city. Our city. The city that we cherish, love and admire.

While museums, theatres, restaurants and bars may be closed, we can still enjoy the company of our extended families and friends online. Also, the great art of the world can be relished via online tours and live streaming. Human ingenuity is infinite. Yet these times also let us experience the importance of a physical connection with each other by today's lack of it.


We are all in the same boat. We feel more connected than ever before. From person to person and city to city. So let's continue to appreciate the beauty in our fellow human beings and the aesthetics of our city. Longing for that day when these unfortunate times and restrictions will be over. A time for healing yet at the same time lifted and enriched by a joint experience of an unprecedented nature. Making us all stronger and letting our world prosper more than we could ever imagine.

No matter the situation you are in, we hope you stay safe and wish you all the strength and health needed to get through these times.

United We Stand.

Take care, stay safe and keep your spirits up!

Warm regards,

Jeroen Pliester & Seroj de Graaf
City Cufflinks Co-founders

PS While many of our retail partners have temporarily closed their stores, most of them still service you online.

WAARSCHUWING - Verstikkingsgevaar: kleine onderdelen. Niet bedoeld voor kinderen jonger dan 6 jaar. Houd product weg van kinderen jonger dan 6 jaar, huisdieren en andere dieren. Voorzichtig omgaan met product in nabijheid van het lichaam en kleding. Zet geen kracht op manchetknopen omdat sterling zilver kan verbuigen.